Introducing Dr. Jiliang Liu

Dr. Ji Liang Liu is a New York State licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He graduated from The Liao-Ning Traditional Chinese Medicine University in China. Afterwards, Dr. Liu spent ten years at The Liao-Ning TCM Research Institute practicing and researching acupuncture, herbalism, acupressure, western medicine, Chi Gong self-healing exercises and Tui Na. During his tenure, he received many awards for research in Chi Gong and for establishing unique treatment protocols, including Chi Acupuncture & Medical Chi Gong T’ai Chi, for a variety of chronic ailments.
While in medical school, Dr. Liu continued to deepen his study in martial arts. Both of these disciplines empowered him with a sophisticated understanding of the body’s energy flow. Beginning at the age of seven, Dr. Liu apprenticed with the famous Chinese Martial Arts grandmaster, Zhen-Ming Li, his studies included, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Gong Fu, WuShu and Traditional Arts of Chinese self-preserving skills. Dr. Liu won many awards in martial arts including a gold medal at The First National Health Preserving Games in 1985. During this time, he received several offers to work in the film industry making Gung Fu movies. He decided instead to pursue a career in medicine.
Dr. Liu's practice of TCM follows the nature order of life. His healing method and his practices reveal the body's inner truth. His practice of medicine is beyond alternative medicine, it is a medicine reflective of the relationship between nature, universal energy, health and Dao of life. It embraces the essentials of natural healing which result in a clairvoyant mind, a nourished soul, and healthy body. His practice embraces the Dao of life, the central truth of nature that provides for health and long life. As long as we endure, Dr. Liu's medical philosophy will remain central to obtaining a natural state of health and well-being.
The most important point for patients to note when beginning treatment with Dr. Liu is that disease prevention, the preservation of youth, and daily well-being are his highest priorities. Dr. Liu insists that everyone can achieve a long-term, high-level state of health. Good health and the joy it brings is attainable. Its potential is hard-wired into us by nature, our birthright as human beings. All we need do is keep ourselves in a state of energetic balance and our body will do the rest. Employing a range of powerful healing techniques, Dr. Liu works to strengthen a patient’s organs and hormonal systems, thus maximizing immune responses and bulletproofing the body against a variety of ailments. Dr. Liu is most concerned with making his patients well, then keeping them vitalized and healthy– preventing disease as well as curing it. With over 30 years of clinical medical experience, his methods are safe, time-tested, free of side effects, and extraordinarily effective.